Saturday, February 6, 2010

Loose lips sink ships. With a side order of snow, and extra shopping.

Its been a really snowy winter here in Central Virginia, insanely so. As in, we have had several storms approaching a foot of snow each time. They have all hit on weekends, and the kids have missed over a week of school. They're calling for more today even. Ugh. I haven't missed any work (yet) but I have had to leave the kids alone a few days, which obviously isn't my preference.

I had bought good heavy snow gear early this year for all the kids, spending a lot of money I didn't have at the time, but OMG I am SO glad I did, because I have been looking for boots for myself for weeks now with no can't find ANYTHING here right now. I broke down and ordered these online, after trying them on in bright yellow at the local shoe store. They will work in all kinds of crappy weather and they are tall and skinny enough not to gape and flap unbecomingly around my scrawny calves. Why is it easier to buy a bikini in a blizzard than a pair of boots?? They better get here before the next storm, or ELSE.

My old phone having become decrepit and increasingly unreliable due to old age, I had to get a new BlackBerry last week. I got the same phone I've been using for years but they finally updated the Operating System to be compatible with iTunes- YAY, for music on my phone!! It was also cheaper than anything else I have seen, so if you haven't shopped some of the new pay-as-you-go plans lately, they are really worth a look. This is $50/ mo unlimited talk and web access, which is unbelievably great. I loaded it up with apps, it's been awesome. I'm still looking for a leopard case for it, but I found a black patent one that is really cute. LOVE!

Also, due to some crazy bad insomnia coupled with a few bucks leftover from Christmas I did some online shopping in the middle of the night and am anxiously awaiting a set of Hidalgo stack rings (similar to those, but in black) to go with my new watch and necklace. I am kind of a jewelry whore, heh.

One of the crappier aspects of having the "forces of evil" lurking about the outskirts of my life is that I have to censor myself so much. Even the really great stuff, the exciting stuff and some hysterically funny occurrences (and ok, maybe it's just funny as shit to me, but still...) have to go unsaid. There have been some "developments" over the past few weeks that I wish I could blog about, because I am excited about the direction my life is taking, but I don't care to give *ahem* certain individuals any material. Until the time is right, that is. Sadly, I have to keep a lot of this information secret even from my kids, so Jackass doesn't get wind of it that way.

Speaking of Jackass, his latest tactic is to dangle an enticing activity in front of my son, (during non-visitation times, like a ski trip, on a school day) and then sit back and rub his hands together gleefully when Austin approaches me all excited and I have to be the villain and say "no". Which, you know, isn't damaging to the kid or anything. Sigh.

Stay tuned. Things may get very interesting around here in short order.