Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The kids are with Jackass this week, albeit unhappily. It wasn't 24 hours before they started emailing and texting me to come home.

I declined.

This was tough. Because the kids are merely bored, and because Jackass wanted them next weekend (his birthday) it wasn't hard to figure out that sending them home was just his way of using me as his childcare. Since he has to work this week, he has dumped them, per usual, at his parents' house. However, I ALSO have to work this week and I have no available childcare. But the kids are pissed and I am anxious about them. Not sure what to do with that except ride it out.

In other news, work is going well right now. I am continually anxious and freaked out about my performance, but occasionally something happens that makes me realize, hey! I am really pretty good at this! Which is a great feeling after basically being a professional volunteer and stay at home mom for the past 13 years. I have learned a tremendous amount doing marketing & PR work for this company, and writing it's blog. I have even been asked to teach an intensive class on interviewing at a local center that helps people find work (although the budget has not yet been approved for that, so I'm still waiting to find out if it will actually happen...fingers crossed!!)

Poor VCB is sick, he has the crud I usually seem to get in the spring and fall- the crap that starts with a sore throat / sinus mess and then moves south to the chesty cough, headache and body aches. In my case it's also accompanied by a nasty attitude and zero energy. So far VCB is sweet as ever although the poor boy has no voice. I hope it passes because he feels terrible and, hell, this was gonna be our week together and illness is unwelcome indeed.

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