Monday, August 17, 2009

Oh for fuck's sake.....

I am just exasperated today. My neck and upper back are one big knot, I'm jittery and pissy and have zero patience. In short- stay out of my way, but if you can't, I apologize in advance for my attitude.

Here are some things I am dealing with that I can't control but which have major potential to fuck up my precariously little unbalanced life:

There's *maybe* a buyer for the house on GBR. Maybe. Good news? Sure, if I can hash out all the tax and financial and legal issues. Two hours on the phone in the past two days and not much to show for it, many more hours ahead to get that straight. And THEN...Jackass will get to sue me for my trouble! Brilliant! Can't wait!

There's another, bigger, possibly much better *maybe* situation that I am anxiously awaiting word on. That one's causing much sleeplessness and inspiring many happy dreams. (Although aren't I going to feel like the idiot when it doesn't work out, because I'm all excited about it even though I told myself over and over I shouldn't be? Why yes, yes, I will. Disappointment here seems an inevitability.)

My grandfather's health. And the related never-ending family drama surrounding that situation.

My job. Lots of projects happening, many new opportunities, and I am horribly behind since I went out of town for a week.

Money and lack thereof. Child support nonpayment and upcoming court dates. Jackassery.

Jules' birthday is Thursday. To party or not to party? Nothing planned. No money. Am loser mom extraordinare.

Then there's the usual backlog of car maintenance, household chores, back to school crap, visitation scheduling-and-bailing-out-of-or-forcing-kids-to-go...

It's all too much, today.

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