Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Probably this hasn't happened to you. But if it did you would be freaked out too. I'm pretty sure.

Have you ever gotten a random text from someone whose number was kinda-sorta-familiar but not-familiar-enough-that-it's-programmed-into-your-phone; and you know it must be a family member because the only people you even know in that AREA CODE are family; and you saw the whole crowd less than a month ago at the funeral and since the texter clearly knows exactly who you are then yeah, family makes sense... but by that point you realize that you're too big a weenie to text them back and admit that you have no idea who the hell it is. (Bonus point for texts in the middle of the night!) So instead you text back something generic and noncommittal thinking that's the end of that; but then they text you AGAIN and it dawns on you who it might be, only you know if it's THEM, a cousin of your mother's that you really just met a month ago, they are probably dead drunk and they aren't even that close to you, so wtf are they thinking, texting you late at night anyway, but you also know that if you don't at least try to be polite then your mother will be all pissed off, because she really likes this cousin, even though she has to overlook the fact that this is the mother of the skinhead kid with the vulva tattoo; so you think about replying and saying "hey" to her, but then you get ANOTHER text and this one calls you "Our princess girl" and suddenly it dawns on you that maybe the person who texted you isn't really who you thought it was AT ALL; that uh-oh, it's a cousin of your mother's alright, but it's not the harmless drunken one, instead OMG it's probably the OTHER cousin, the one that nobody in their right mind would ever in a million years give their phone number to- because in your family there are actually levels of crazy, and this guy has a PhD in teh crrrrraaaazzzzyyy, actually- he is in fact someone who a) just got out of prison after doing 34 years for murdering a woman in front of her child (yeah I will just pause and let you digest that one for a second) annnnd.....b) is a creepy old dude who begged you to come 'party with his crew' last time you saw him (which was also the FIRST time in 34 years you had seen him and you happened to be standing in the hallway of the ICU where your Grandfather was dying but I guess proper hospital etiquette is kinda lost on a guy who only just NOW gets to eat with a fork and knife instead of just a spoon after 34 years) and c) he has already been forcibly evicted and barred permanently from his own 91 yr old mother's house for stealing from her and.... EWWWWW... OMG OMG OMG OMFG!! HOW DID HE GET MY NUMBER AND WHY DID HE CALL ME A "PRINCESS GIRL" I AM 38 FUCKING YEARS OLD??? AND PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TELL ME HE DOES NOT ALSO HAVE MY HOME ADDRESS BECAUSE IF HE DOES THEN I OBVIOUSLY HAVE TO MOVE IMMEDIATELY.

1 comment:

  1. Part of me died when I read this. Let's take a moment of silence, shall we?
