Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Bitch bitch whine whine

I seem to be dying faster than usual today.

A few weeks ago I had this sinus thing, and finally broke down and took antibiotics for it. I never quite felt great afterwards but, you know, it's been really cold, and I have been super busy, and so on and so forth. I never paid it a lot of attention; except I've been passing out cold at like 8pm for weeks and dragging ass all the time, which was annoying.

Add to the the day last week when I scraped my top gums pretty bad in a klutzy tooth-brushing while multi-tasking incident, which got all gnarly and ulcerated; and my contacts bugging me so I had been wearing my glasses, which are ten years old; and you can sort of see where the fact that my face was throbbing and I was having headaches all day, every day was easy to pass off as something else.

Today, though, was the inauguration of some symptoms even I cannot ignore. This morning my throat was raw, then I tried to draw a deep breath and it felt like my ribs were on fire, followed by a deep and wracking cough, and, oh...hey, is that a FEVER?

2010, I gotta tell you, so far I am Not Impressed.

Still I managed to get to work, and not face-plant at my desk, and my Dr. called in the nuclear offensive of antibiotics for me. In a feverish haze, I hit the drive-thru pharmacy, then stumbled home, and somehow managed to make an actual nutritious dinner for the kids.

I am resisting unconsciousness only long enough to make sure my little winners shower and make it into their own beds. Zythromycin, Mucinex, Ibuprofen, Claritin D and Ativan are waiting on my bedside table to lull me into a pharmaceutical coma and I damn well better wake up feeling amazing.

Or at least not hacking up blood....I'll take what I can get at this point.

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