Tuesday, January 12, 2010


This has been a good week so far, despite the plague, and the usual scurrying and fetching. Or maybe it's just that the Prozac's working.

Either way.

It's also been productive.

I met with the school guidance counselor yesterday to discuss my daughter's class selections for middle school next year. I pushed hard for her to be assigned to a more rigorous academic path; (largely because I want her to be surrounded by a higher caliber of classmates, and I am not ashamed to admit it.)

I am sure that any day now I will also be called to do the same for my son, who enters high school (gulp) next fall.

So far this week I have: cleaned the van out. Worked 20 hours. Took myself and my son to the eye doctor's, got haircuts for all three kids, got new jeans and shoes for the kids, and grocery shopped. I have made a couple of great meals, and watched a cute movie while snuggling with an even cuter boy. Tonight I took the kids to PTA night at McDonald's (ugh) then came home, cleaned the bathrooms, filled out field trip forms, did four loads of laundry, two loads of dishes, vacuumed, helped with homework, and read two chapters of my new Dan Brown book.

AND.....it's only Tuesday.

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