Friday, October 9, 2009

Hi HO....

It's back to court I go.

Second time in seven days. Today I go to head off the foreclosure on my house (the one that I own, that Jackass had us evicted from and then failed to pay for as ordered.)

Last week the judge granted me an emergency injunction to stop said foreclosure; today is the scheduled hearing by the Giant Mortgage Company. I have to go and wave my injunction in their faces if they try anything funny. My attorney is out of town so I get to go do this all. alone. With a sinus infection, and antibiotics-induced GI issues (use your imagination, and don't bother being kind- it's gross.)

Oh. And I woke up with my left eye all swollen shut and encrusted, I can only imagine wtf that's all about. But damn. I'm smokin' hot today y'all.

On the bright side, maybe they will take one look, assume I hired an actual Zombie to represent me, and reason that I am a Badass Bitch Who Is Not To Be Fucked With.

I am sure much merriment will be had.

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