Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Don't mind me, I'm just dreaming here...

I have a job interview tomorrow. Unbeknownst to me I applied at a company owned by friends of the VCB. When I told him where the interview was (mostly to make sure that the ex hadn't done business with the company; if he had, I figured it wasn't worth going to the interview) he called the owner and took the guy to lunch.

Supposedly the job's mine "as long as I'm not retarded or anything." Which is not to say I am counting any chickens; there are many variables still in play- like hours, pay, etc.

I'm nervous. I really like working for my friend as her husband, they basically pay me to write and talk to people- my two favorite things to do for FREE. And I have enjoyed being able to be home with my kids during this period of transition for our family. They really needed me here. Childcare would have broken my already stretched budget entirely, at $250/ week for after school care. Right now the plan, if I get this job, is to try letting them do the latchkey thing and see how it works. If it doesn't my mom has graciously volunteered to help out. I am nervous about that but I really don't see that I have much choice but to try it.


I had to go to social services today and re-up my food stamps (they make you resubmit all your income/expense stuff every 6 months to stay qualified) and on the way I had to pass the office where this job would be located. Guess what I saw four houses down from the office, on the main street in the quaint, adorable town I have wanted to live in forever?

A "For Rent" sign in the front yard of a really, really great house. And of course I stopped and called the number. The owner was really kind, he had a key hidden and he let me go inside and poke around. It's available, it's affordable, it's adorable. And if we lived there my girls wouldn't have to share a bedroom, we'd have more room, be in a wonderful neighborhood, and we would be in walking distance of a library, a grocery store, a convenience store, a college, a farmer's market, a train station, two parks, a hair salon, a dance studio, three restaurants, the girls' school, and less than a two minute walk to this job. My kids would be safe there after school. I wouldn't need childcare.

I could see us really happy there, long term.

I know, wanting this is a really stupid idea for someone with my luck. I am practically inviting heartbreak, more disillusionment, depression. Surely the stars will never align to allow such a perfect set of circumstances to fall into my lap all at once. But damn, aren't we due a break in the near future??

1 comment:

  1. maybe it's not stupid. maybe thinking positively is a sign that this actually WILL happen.
