Tuesday, July 14, 2009

June 17, 2009

In which I discover that maybe Justice isn't really blind after all.

Jackass' appeal of the Judge's child support award was heard last Friday. I had absolutely no emotional investment in the situation, probably because, well, what was the worst that could happen? The NOT PAYING had already been happening for six months, and arrearages were in excess of 5k. I figured the Judge would just hand Jackass a greatly reduced child support figure to see if he'd pay THAT or maybe tell me to pay Jackass, or, I dunno, ask Jackass to meet for a beer later. Because, well, that's just how it had been going. The whole thing felt like a monumental waste of time.

So I wasn't really prepared for what happened.

Jackass had the same court appointed attorney as before. (I am tickled to report that the guy's nickname is "Fast Eddie"...and no- I am totally NOT MAKING THAT UP!!) This is because the non-payment of child support is actually a crime, making it a criminal case that he had failed to pay child support for six months.

Jackass had apparently run our respective incomes through the state's child support guidelines and determined that his obligation should be approximately $357/ mo. For three kids. This is less than half of what he had been ordered to pay. (But I should point out it still would have been $357 more than I had been getting!) Jackass presented his figures to the judge, asked that his arrearages be reduced accordingly, and sat back smugly. Neither Jackass nor his attorney offered an explanation as to why he hasn't paid anything. His attorney, handily, did volunteer that he had been held in contempt in Circuit Court the week before.

The Judge was Not Amused.

Jackass was found guilty of contempt of court, and ordered to pay me $715/ mo. The Judge deviated from the guidelines (!!) because he though it was ridiculous that an able bodied male with 20 years' experience is working for minimum wage. 

Sentencing will be 9/11. If he fails to pay me in a timely fashion he will be going to jail. And even if he does pay, I am totally asking for a judgement in the amount of the arrearages and my attorney's fees, and taking his stupid motorcycle I mean midlifecrisiscycle.

In other news I had a series of negotiations with Mrs. Jackass Sr. (who may deserve a new nickname soon if she continues to be reasonable) about visitation and the kids are actually up there this week for visitation.

VCB and I have had a lot of private time. It's been lovely, but I miss my babies a lot. I can't wait til they come home to me.

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