Thursday, July 30, 2009

Visitation Manipulation

As you have probably guessed, Jackass is attempting to bail on taking the kids next week. He is waffling about whether he can pick them up and when.

This is pissing me off.

Can I just be honest? I am sooo torn in two over this.

I really want and need both a break from the grind of motherhood, and some quality time with my Very Cute Boy. Also, I am not Jackass' child care provider during his time, and I am fucking livid that he keeps using the visitation schedule as his last remaining weapon. I love my kids desperately and I will miss them five minutes after they are gone, and I will obsess about them all week...but.....VCB will do a great job distracting me, and I will get lots of stuff done, and, I have some stuff scheduled that I need to do for work, and, well...I DESERVE IT, goddamnit!!


My kids do NOT want to go. Jackass does NOT do a good job with the kids. They are dreading it. I really would LOVE to be able to go to court in September and tell the Judge that "Yeah, not only did he not pay his support as ordered, he ditched the kids during the weeks I offered him, and plenty of other times too." My Attorney has said we stand a great chance at getting his visitation cut wayyy back in September.

Right now my options seem to be:
1. Tell him to fuck off and deal with having the kids all week (ugh)
2. Drive the kids to his parent's house Sunday night (sets a precedent I'd rather not establish, but since Grandparents have no rights in this state, it likely won't hurt me later, according to my Attorney)
3. Keep the kids until Monday night and hope he takes them then (which I doubt, so this probably actually equals option 1)


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