Tuesday, July 14, 2009

April 21, 2008

in which no one has gotten arrested....yet

Jackass is still a free man. I can hardly believe how s..l..o..w...l...y the wheels of justice turn, and truly, the fucking anxiety is about to kill me. Its very likely he is going straight to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200. I am 100% certain he deserves it. He has devastated many good people's lives with his carelessness and irresponsibility. I absolutely cannot believe the things I have found out about him since this process began. It is as though I have been married to a complete stranger. It will be a huge relief when he gets picked up, actually. I hope it will be soon. There are more people crawling out of the woodwork every day- not to mention showing up at my house, adding to the allegations.

In the meanwhile, his life is going on. His new girlfriend is a stripper. Well, he SAYS she works as a bartender in the nastiest strip joint in town but- puh-leeze. You KNOW she works the pole. Yeah. Cliche', right? Jackass might as well have hair plugs, a cherry red Camaro and a gold chain. Instead he has a handlebar mustache, a cherry red Harley, and a wedding-band tan line. He maintains that she is "very intellegent" (No, I am not making the misspelling up.) Judging from the sarcastic text messages that s/he sends me regularly now, her vocabulary IS slightly superior to his. Her judgement in getting involved with Jackass is hardly a testament to her "Intellegence" however.

I hope they are very happy together.

On another, even more bitter note, Jackass has not given me a dime of child support in months and thus far I have sold nearly everything I can to keep the kids housed, clothed, & fed. He has screwed up a million times with the kids. He let them watch R rated movies, shows them all of our emails, interrogates them on their cell phones late at night, neglected to administer my daughter's asthma medicine for four days and almost landing her in the ER; missed their school pickup so they sat in an empty house for a half hour last week; let them watch his brother get arrested (yeah...they are a GREAT family!), and tells them he can't stand the idea of seeing my "Fucking face". They are almost always late to school and he never checks their homework. They end up at school in shorts and flip flops on twenty degree days and he never, ever sends their clothes home with them. He has my son sleeping on a freezing cold screen porch, which is actually a big improvement over the sofa the kid had to sleep on for months when he moved out. He has told the kids to get ready to go on a "trip", which, frankly, scares the hell out of me given how serious the charges pending against him are......

I am going to court in a few days to try to amend the situation, but with very little hope that anything much will come of it. Certainly not money. I would actually be relieved to be granted sole custody and say, screw the money. He certainly can't be expected to actually work. After all the man is headed to jail...he has partying to do! With Candypants, the world's most "Intellegent" stripper!

What's YOUR stripper name??

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