Tuesday, July 14, 2009

March 20, 2009

On the off chance you see this...

Dear Jackass, First of all that's a VERY loose interpretation of the word "Dear", don't start thinkin' I'm all polite to you all of a sudden, because I still wish you would simply evaporate- okay? long as we're straight on that, I will get to the point.

You really devastated the kids tonight.

You see them once a week for two hours. Two lousy hours. You picked the time, even.

In the past month you have declined visitation twice and been a half hour late one other time.

Trying to bail on them tonight, telling me it wouldn't work because you had " a meeting", then spending your time with them on the phone to your girlfriend apologizing for ditching HER instead- not cool, dude. The kids are not stupid. Or deaf.

They came home pissed. Austin called you an asshole. Repeatedly.

Now, while WE both know that you are jerking the visitation around for the same reason you drag me into court every five minutes- because it screws with my life- what you apparently fail to comprehend is the effect it has on the kids. So pay attention. I will type s.l.o.w.l.y.

They feel like you don't care about them. At ALL. Don't link your MySpace page posts about all your partying to Austin's, then try to be all "I have a meeting" when you're supposed to be with them. Don't tell Candypants you are SO SORRY you're gonna be late in front of them, like the two hours you have them is such a huge inconvenience.

Why did you file divorce papers asking for full custody if two hours a week is beyond you? Do you KNOW how many actual hours are IN a week?? Or how much work it takes to fill those hours when you can't just take them out for fast food and give them back?

I am just appalled.

You suck at life. And fatherhood. You should come with a warning label.

That is all. 
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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