Tuesday, July 14, 2009

February 19, 2009

Here we go again

Things are looking, well, if not up, then at least not over my shoulder to see who might be shooting at me. For now.

Valentine's Day weekend last weekend saw me and the kiddoes having fun together. Julia persuaded me to get her (another) fish, which of course promptly went the way of the other two....which is to say belly up. 

I was reading an article in Cosmo last night about home haircoloring, then walked out of the room for a moment and left the magazine open on the table. Autumn decided to leaf through it and saw a picture of a scantily clad couple embracing. Whereupon she dissolved into hysterical tears that I had left a picture of two people HAVING SEX on the table and OH MY GOD she was damaged! Her EYES!! I think she was waiting for the world to just go on and end, already. Sigh. Fast forward thru me showing the photo to her and explaining that it wasn't sex, they weren't naked, and OMG she had no business poking around in my magazine...to her telling her brother "Mom left a picture of TWO PEOPLE HAVING SEX on the table!!" seriously. Now I must never throw away that particular magazine, ever. If CPS shows up on my doorstep Imma gonna say, "Yep, here's her bag and don't let the door hit her on the butt on the way to foster care!" I dare Jackass to comment. He can HAVE them! 

I got two emails from Jackass Sr demanding money. Um, WTF? you may ask.... They apparently believe, according to my son, that I have a secret stash of money I was squirreling away for months before the divorce. Jesus. IF ONLY, right??

 That whole family is so fucked up I can't even begin to process it. My ex sister in law (formerly married to Jackass' younger, and believe it or not, even dumber and more violent, brother) and I are joking about writing a book, anonymously, titled "Toxicity- Our escape from the most poisonous inlaws in America". 

Tomorrow we go back to court again to try to finalize this thing once and for all. Lets keep our fingers crossed. Saturday I am to have a nice dinner with friends- which I hope will be celebratory in nature and not a consolation drunk fest that Jackass screwed me over yet again!

Unbloggable news about Jackass' criminal case continues to roll in. I will post when I can.

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