Tuesday, July 14, 2009

January 08, 2009

The sun came out!

We are indeed excited, for, lo! The sun, she has returned. And so it is less like the arctic tundra today, and also I am no longer wondering whether I should be considering building an ark. This is excellent news for me, as well as the kids, who I am about to lock out of the house so I can get some peace and quiet er, I mean, send outside for some fresh air and exercise.

I had to do some legal business on this day which took me directly by Mr. and Mrs. Jackass Sr.'s house. They live like hermits in the middle of nowhere. Hum the soundtrack to "Deliverance".... swerve to narrowly avoid a possum. Now turn left. That's where their log cabin is. I shit you not.  Jackass' truck is still there. This is just one of four vehicles he owns. Not to mention his two boats. And also not to mention the car he showed up to buy recently, not knowing it was being sold by the brother of a dear friend of mine. Jackass merely confirmed the guy's identity then got in his car and drove away. (Er, why a 5th car? I am puzzled. But then I remember the immortal words of my friend Eliza, "You can't assign rational motive to an irrational person" and the confusion goes away.) Anyway. Jackass also filed another "show cause" on me. Because, well, I guess because he CAN, and as he has indicated, he WILL. Sadly, according to my attorney Jackass can continue to use the court to harass me, ad infinitum, until either 2020, when our youngest will turn 18, or until he is incarcerated, whichever comes first. (You don't exactly have to be a rocket scientist to figure out why I am being uber-cooperative with the investigation, now, do ya?)

Anywho. I stopped at the store and got a few goodies and came home and made this soup. Am currently beached on the couch stuffed full. Recommend it heartily.

Bacon, chicken and corn chowder
Chop and fry 1pkg bacon in lg stockpot. Do not drain!! With slotted spoon, remove meat. Chop two onions fine and saute in bacon grease. When soft, add approximately 1lb of diced, boneless skinless chicken. Cook til done. Add one 28oz can of petite diced tomatoes, one small bag of frozen corn and one can cream style corn, along with two big cans or boxes of chicken broth. Toss in 2lbs or so of unpeeled Yukon Gold potatoes diced small, and a T or so of Worchester sauce. Simmer til potatoes are soft. Garnish with reserved bacon and parmesan. Serve with crusty bread and butter. 

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