Tuesday, July 14, 2009

March 28, 2009

Good things!

My girlfriend Eliza has been suffering through a divorce that's neck in neck with mine for sheer ugliness, but she's doing it with some major obstacles- like special needs children, her own major health problems, and no real support system in place. So when she started running last week, I was all, "wow! Yay you!!" Followed shortly by a forehead smack to myself- "seriously, self" my inner voice sighed disgustedly, "there's a pair of Nikes in your closet and a really Expensive Treadmill in your garage. You used to be a total gym rat and now you are trying to solve your depression and insomnia with drugs? What's wrong with you?" 

So today I strapped on the ipod and trudged out to the garage. Very Cute Boy had to come over and clean the motor (rust from not being used) but pretty soon my ass was in gear. I also found some free weights and did a bunch of curls, dips, squats, presses, flys, and lunges. Ahhh...endorphins, how I have missed thee!!!!

Rewinding, yesterday was a mess. First I got a call from the kids' school that Jackass was trying to sign them out. (Wtf!? My only guess- to bring them to Court. But luckily my good bud the Principal told him to suck it.). Then there was the support hearing in which Jackass tried to have his support cut and arrearages eliminated. (Currently he owes the kids 7,500$) He also argued that since I "work from home" (not really true since I don't have internet here) I don't need to pay for childcare during the summer and he should not have to pay anything towards that. After about an hour of back and forth bullshit, the judge ruled that since I am a client of DCSE (the social services agency that collects child support from recalcitrant parents) he had no authority to rule on any reduction. Except he berated Jackass over the child care thing and ordered it factored into the support. So. Case continued til June. Jackass also filed a Les Pendens on the GBR house. This clever move had my attorney absolutely chuckling in delight. "That's gonna send Judge Harris into cardiac arrest!" Since Harris already ordered Jackass to return the house to me, the Les Pendens is going to be viewed by the Court as basically a big "Fuck you" from Jackass. Which, according to my attorney, can't do anything but help my case, and expedite my divorce.

Jackass texted me last night while I was having a lovely dinner with my dad and Very Cute Boy. I *could* have him arrested for it but with all the endorphins I am feeling generous. Plus I don't care to expend another second of my life dealing with his crap.

Mom is babysitting tonight. Very Cute Boy and I have some plans. I hope your evening is as good as mine's going to be ;)

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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