Tuesday, July 14, 2009

February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Posting has been tough since I lost my internet access at home. I am camped at Barnes & Noble this morning trying to get some work done today and feeling sorta like stabbing the annoying, arrogant, I'm-wayyy-too-educmacated-for-this-job barrista in the eye with the sharpened #2 pencil I am tapping. 

I digress.

Last weekend was AWESOME. Very Cute Boy got an impulse and we hopped a train to DC. Stayed in heavenly, fancy-ass hotel, ate lovely food, slept in, wandered around the city. Took the Metro, saw monuments and museums, took a trolley through Olde Town Alexandria, and went ice skating for the first time. Did not fall on my arse so I count that as a success ;) I hated to come home. It was great. 

Today's my Dad's birthday, we are having cake and ice cream at the 'rent's house tonight.  Dad is getting a Wii for his birthday, and I swear my kids are more excited that Grandma and Grandpa will have a Wii, than they were to open their own Wii! It's gonna be funny. Except that my family is not including Very Cute Boy in family celebrations yet, which dampens my enthusiasm greatly. His family rocks, they are all sweet and huggy and I love them, they are truly fabulous. I suppose mine will come around to acceptance of our relationship. someday. sigh.

Some other stuff- am taking anti-depressants, as of this week. Feeling oddly flat and disconnected, as though have had lobotomy, but without the twitching and drooling afterwards, so far. Some time ago I lost my ability to sleep like a grownup and instead find myself WIDE! AWAKE! after two hours at best. Argh...no wonder babies are always pissed off. It sucks mightily. I am hoping the medication helps with that, and fast. 

Things are still very tough on the money front. Jackass is trying to have his child support lowered (to what? Less than the NOTHING I have been getting?? What, I should pay HIM? that will be heard Monday. stay tuned.) I may have a buyer for the GBR house. Meeting them Sunday if my Mom will help w. kids.

New divorce day, 1 week from today. Not getting too hyped up over it this time. we shall see. I have had News of The Unbloggable Variety on the criminal prosecution of Jackass, stay tuned for that as well. Looks like he has had the kids around Drunky Girlfriend. They are impressed with the size of her boobs. LOL. He also tried to hack my email account this week. Looking into it.

So, for Valentine's Day- here's to Love, and War. XOXOXO!!

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