Tuesday, July 14, 2009

January 31, 2009


The past few weeks have been stressful. Jackass told the kids he had a "Meeting" last Thursday and skipped visitation. Turns out he slipped up and told them all about the movie he went to see instead of being with his kids for the TWO HOURS A WEEK he is allowed to see them. Does he think they don't notice that shit?? Then they went for their every-other-weekend and I got pitiful emails from the kids asking to come home, over and over. 

We had a hearing scheduled for Monday at the local Domestic court, Jackass had "show-caused" me for a couple of bullshit incidents and also because I am "under employed" - what a fucking joke- I was a stay at home Mom for twelve years and he is claiming not to be employed at ALL  (although genius that he is, he kindly posted recent jobsite pictures on his MySpace page,so I have proof that he IS) and he wants his child support reduced, etc etc, etc... I had show caused HIM for trying to administer tap water instead of medicine, having the kids around his brother at Christmas, and letting my son walk around on a roof.

So Monday, we went to court and the judge appointed a Guardian Ad Litem to the case, because I am requesting supervised visitation.- She is a lawyer who's basically an advocate for the kids. This is good and bad. Good in that someone will finally figure out what the hell is going on here and enforce some kind of decent standards of care when the kids are with Jackass- and with whom the kids' wishes will weigh very heavily. Bad in that this is yet another intrusion and of course, more delays!! She gave us very detailed questionnaires to fill out, and set up meetings for us both. Jackass immediately tried to get the first appointment with her, and apparently did not fill out the questionnaire at all. Not surprising since he doesn't KNOW any of the kids' teachers, clothing sizes, favorite foods, etc and he damn sure won't be admitting to any history of substance abuse. I met her Friday morning and I'm going to meet with her again Monday. On the encouraging front she admitted to being less than impressed with Jackass.

Friday (yesterday) I had been hoping and praying that my divorce would finally be finalized, and that the court would address the issues with the house- the damage that Jackass did, the non-payment of payments, etc. This is a picture of one of the many wires he cut in the attic....IMG00462

and here is the "gift" he left on the kitchen counter....
And, well, I will spare you all the pictures of the toilets (that were all crapped in- no water- ugh) and the landscaping that he killed and the stuff that was broken...

My lawyer, whom I in general LOVE, totally called this one wrong. He had assured me that there was virtually no chance that Jackass wouldn't go directly to jail Friday, that he would be held until he paid for the damages to the house plus the back payments, and that I would be granted my divorce, period. This scenario would have allowed me to make my rent and house payments for February, and hello- DIVORCED!!! Hooray!!

Yeah. I should have known better than to hope. No way I am ever gonna get that lucky that something won't totally fucking suck, right?

Jackass showed up with Jackass Sr. (this was Sr.'s first appearance on his son's behalf- and if I know him, he was there to stroke Jackass' bail check.) and his sister, who I actually feel sorry for, and whose role, I surmised, was going to be driving Jackass' car when he was taken away by the bailiff.

The first thing out of Jackass' mouth was "Is this a jailable offense?" 
Judge: "If these allegations of your having not paid the house payments and damaging the house at=re proven true, I am highly inclined to incarcerate you, yes."
Jackass: "I wasn't served with these papers"
Judge: "I have proof of service right here, is this address yours?"
Jackass: "That's my parents' address"
My Attorney: "He uses that address on all his filings, Your Honor"
Judge: "Then you WERE served."
Jackass: "I'd like to request a court appointed attorney in this matter"
Judge, looks thru papers and hems and haws, finally agrees.
Me: "Your Honor, he HAS a court appointed attorney, who's representing him in his non-payment of child support case in Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court"
Judge- Looking over his glasses at Jackass: "Oh DO you now? we will just use him, then."
Jackass: "But don't I have 21 days to respond to these allegations?"
Judge: "Have you ALREADY been talking to an attorney?"
Jackass, clearly caught: "Um, no..."
Judge: "Mr X. since I am inclined to incarcerate you, we will allow you to come back on March 17 with your attorney. Where can you be served?"
Jackass: "I have been harrassed! I don't want her to know where I live! (*note-there's been no harassment- he doesn't want me to be able to pass his address along to the bill collectors, private investigators, or authorities who are looking for him)
Judge: "Give your address to the bailiff, we are done here."

And that was that. 

This is NOT good news for me. Jackass owes me over $5,000 in back child support and house payments, not counting damage to the house. I am down to about $20. I have no possible way to pay my rent, the house payment, or anything else. I am facing eviction AND foreclosure. And to make matters even better, look what I found linked to my son's MySpace page?

This is Jackass partying with his girlfriend, on New Year's Eve...After he returned the kids early from visitation. 

She is real classy, as you can see here. And here.

And they apparently LOVE to drink, as you can see here...

Her whole page was full of shit like this. AND, did I mention it was LINKED TO MY 12YR OLD SON'S PAGE????

Jesus Christ. The man just can't stop with the displays of stupidity.

On the bright side my lawyer was highly entertained. And he assures me that these, plus the jobsite photos I was smart enough to print off also, are NOT going to amuse the judge who is reviewing the supposed "unemployment" claim one bit.

Nevertheless this does not pay my rent.

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