Tuesday, July 14, 2009

June 09, 2009

Some cheap stuff that doesn't suck

Back in the day when I had a lot on my plate (and my wallet), I appreciated things differently. My priorities weren't screwed up, per se, I just prioritized to a different tune so to speak. I liked beautiful jewelry, got my nails and hair done all the time, drove a big shiny black truck that I kept immaculately clean, the kids and I wore adorable clothing. I collected gadgetry and had a bunch of free time to meet my Mom friends at Starbucks and poke through Barnes & Noble. I had Botox and went to the gym all the time.

Things have changed what with the poverty and the working full time. I don't have time for most of that stuff and if I am gonna part with any money it's going to be for something we need, or want badly, and get a good deal on. (Okay, so books still fall into the *need* category for me, as does good beer. But hell, it's cheaper and more effective than therapy!)

Today the things I appreciate and somewhat consider to be splurges of either time or money are different. It certainly sounds like a cliche' but they are every bit as meaningful as the things I used to enjoy.

I am fortunate to live in a city that has a lot of outdoor music events all summer, for free or cheap. The VCB, my kids and I went to see Willie Nelson last week, and the Zac Brown Band the week before.
We live within driving distance of several beaches, a river, and a good half dozen parks. There's a water park three miles up the road that I am considering buying passes to. I have discovered a nearby thrift store where paperbacks are $1, and the selection is usually good enough that I find something new (last week's find was Lost by Gregory Maguire)

I still love my iPod, the iTunes library, my MacBook, and my BlackBerry; and VCB gave me a TomTom GPS for Christmas that has saved my hide over and over again.
I have reluctantly embraced life as a non-color-enhanced brunette (fuck you, Nature. I am gonna be blonde again when I can afford it, so help me God!!) and I paint my own toenails now. However, my old stylist has moved to a MUCH less expensive salon so I can still afford a decent cut. (VCB accidentally discovered that- he was raving about the lady who gives him awesome haircuts, and when I walked in I just about DIED of joy!)

While I don't have anymore of my ridiculously expensive jewelry (but Thank God I HAD it, as it fed my kids for six months last year!)I have a friend who discovered a designer here in town who makes funky cool crocheted beady things that are relatively cheap and unique. I bought myself a $35 necklace yesterday to celebrate my divorce- and believe me, it is a whole lot more meaningful to me than that $1500 Yurman piece I used to wear daily!

I am shamelessly addicted to Twitter, and iced coffee (which I learned to make at home) and long skirts. My summer shoes are these flipflops, which my mom got me, and these, which VCB bought me, when I am not plotzing around in these remnants of my former life as a spendy girl. 

And instead of my addiction to expensive bath products, I now totally love this extremely cheap but amazing smellingshower gel so much that if they ever quit making it I will probably cry. In fact I think I am going to stock up just in case. 

I wish I had been more creative in my planning of life's little adventures before, and I still see and crave things on a daily basis that I have no business considering, but all in all I am pretty damn happy with less. It really IS the little things that you appreciate.

1 comment:

  1. damn girl. i know you said we had a lot in common, but DAMN. wow. okay. we really need to meet.
