Tuesday, July 14, 2009

June 07, 2009

Free At Last!

I lost my access to the blog for awhile thanks to Jackass hacking my email account (and that of a former client in the same week) so you won't likely hear much about the death threats via Twitter he sent me anonymously, or the visitation he bailed on, or the BS court dates or how he hasn't paid any child support this year beyond the $600 the state deducted from his unemployment. Sorry I haven't updated, but it's been more of the same around here.


Last Thursday was D day. We went to court for the final decree of Divorce, a Show Cause in which Jackass was to answer to the court as to why he has failed to pa the court-ordered back house payments, and my name change.

True to form Jackass had, the day before the hearing, filed three counter motions asking that my Divorce filing be thrown out; that he be allowed to replace the Lis Pendens on the house I am selling, and some other asinine bullshit that frankly I can't remember. The judge upbraided him harshly, saying "Mr. Hayes, you have had many opportunities to turn this around, to do the right thing. And at EVERY turn, you have made the wrong choice. Every decision you have made here has been BAD. It's time for her to get her divorce. I am dismissing all of your motions. They are ridiculous." 

And with that, I am free. Almost.

My Dad came to court with me as usual, but unlike anything I have ever done in court I completely lost my composure and started crying right there in front of the judge. Later my Dad pulled me aside and said, "It's over. The game's over, and you won." Then he gave me some money. A lot of money actually. To free me from being angry and bitter and dependent upon a man who is determined now to use money to control me any way he can. It worked. The past few days have been the best of this entire ordeal, and I can't thank my folks enough for giving me that gift. It's more than I could ever have asked for- finally being, and feeling FREE is the best medicine.

Bottom line- Jackass still has the right to sue me in civil court for any portion of the equity he feels entitled to upon the sale of the house. (We can drag that out 3-5 years in civil court, and by then all the money will belong gone, so, whatever.) And handily, I retain the right to enforce penalty from the show cause, (jail time in the amount of 30 days) forever. 

We go back to court on Friday to have his child support reduced. Yeah. I know. @@

But so what? He can't hurt me anymore.

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