Tuesday, July 14, 2009

January 06, 2009

Guess how much I love you?

Dear Daughter,

This evening you were exceptionally angry with me. I had told you maybe once a week since we moved to this rental house, that we. don't. put. tape. on. the. walls. And so when you and your sister used glue dots to stick toys to the wall, and "accidentally" pulled chunks of wall off shortly thereafter, well....I wasn't happy. I raised my voice when you insisted the damage wasn't your fault, because, dammit, we had been over it and over it, and there was nothing accidental about what you guys did. And after we talked about it, when I left the room, you decided, perhaps a tad stupidly, to loudly tell your sister all about your feelings for me. About how "mean" and "unfair" I am.
Well. As long as we are on the subject, let me tell you how mean I am...
I AM going to raise you to be respectful of your betters, whether or not you happen to agree with them. I AM going to insist that you always take responsibility for your mistakes, and that you treat others and their property with respect. I will teach you to be grateful to God for the blessings you have, and not to worry so much about things beyond your control. I will not tolerate dishonesty, laziness, backtalk, or attitude. I WILL NOT let you become a loudmouth, snotty, disrespectful little brat. You are going to learn about consequences, and rewards, and failure and hard work and what matters and what just....doesn't. 
Also, no matter what, I will NEVER leave you or give up on you or shut you out or hurt you or belittle you or let you fall. I won't hand you to your Dad and walk away, even if that is sometimes tempting because it would be SO MUCH easier. I will always put your needs and your brother and sister's needs first. I will find a way. No matter what. I will always be here for you, your whole life. Whatever I have is yours. Whatever you need I will provide. I will be strong for you when you need my support and I will never ever ever lie to you.
I would die for any of you, without a second's hesitation. You guys are my heartbeat, my breath, my only truth. I couldn't live without you, and I won't fail you. Promise.

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